Saturday, 21 February 2015

Hairdressers And Shopping

Hair... Now a lot of people are religious with having their hair cut, coloured or even just a nice blow dry at the hair dressers. However with me it is just not the case. I get too comfortable with my hair and kind of forget about the hair dressers, and I have never got my hair dyed at a salon, just always box dyes with me. So it was with lovely mothers birthday and we really wanted her hair cut so i decided I will pay for her to have it done. I am a bargain Queen and like to save my penny so I don't go to big posh salons I go to colleges/training salons, they save me money and help people learn! At first when we said we would go and have her hair done I personally didn't plan on having anything done with my hair..then I thought about it a little..and a bit more and in the end I decided. Yep I wanted my hair done and got very excited about the thought of a little pamper and a new hair style at the end of it. Growing my hair is my goal so no length taken away at all, but quite a bit happened at the front of my hair, I only went and got myself a fringe!! It has been a very long time since I braved this particular style. At first I was so shocked at the difference it had made and it took a little getting used to, even my boyfriend wasn't that sure of this big change! Now it has settled in and I have looked in the mirror for the 1000th time, I LOVE IT! Here is a picture of the lovely new addition to my head.

 After we had finished getting beautified all for the price at £6 each we went back to my little flat to open her gifts from me and Josh. Me and my mother have very similar tastes in all things, especially homeware. So firstly from tiger I got her two little ceramic bunnies that holds cotton wool balls in them to look like their tales, cuteness and handiness in one, what more could you ask for. One white and one black to represent her cute little pet rabbits Guinness and Bailey (I bet you can guess which colour goes with their names). Secondly I got her something from one of my favorite home ware/gift stores in Leicester called Evolution, unfortunatly it is closing down in March but however in favor everything is on sale. Yes 50% off EVERYTHING! The gift I got from there was a small two draw shabby chic box. Lastly I always get her some sort of bubble bath or shower gel, good old Primark had a little tiny set of pink P.S Love shower gel on sale for a whole £1. The wonderful woman that is my mother loved every single one of these gifts. I enjoyed buying them and even more I enjoyed watching her open them. (I didn't take any pictures of the products and cannot find any images or links for you due to end of line or site no longer sells products. Sorry) It was time for work for my mom but for me and Josh it was time to shop. We needed to pop into the city center to get some things. One of our first stops and nearly always we make a visit to Primark. I just cannot get enough of the place, I love their new home ware range but I have only just brought some bits just last week so I was extremely good and restrained myself from going near that section of the shop. Jewelry and accessories haven't always been at the top of my shopping list when I go, but this time I had a little look, and I was in no was disappointed. They have got some really beautiful pieces in right now, so i picked up a set of rings in the theme of my zodiac sign (Capricorn), I really love birth stones and right now really loving rings. Also I got myself a standard 90s looking black choker. When I was a youngster I was so attached to all three chokers I had so very nostalgic that these are back. Lastly for accessories I found a little multi-pack of bracelets that were just too lovely to leave. On to clothes, a basic crop black crop top, high waisted black skinny jeans and a big cosy cardigan. Sometimes I just need a few new basic pieces to my wardrobe to revamp my style and give me some more options with some of my older items. Finally of all my purchases I brought four sweet postcards from Paperchase. Other bloggers have posted about putting postcard from here into frames, as I am currently on a home ware spree I thought that I must get myself some for some empty frames I have lying around. For only 60p I really could of gone over board and got a hole haul of just these, but I stayed calm and just got four for now. They will be spread out around my flat in very pretty fames and on notice boards. The little boy and girl was just so sweet and reminded me and how cute me and Josh are together. Motivational words and phrases is just what I need around my place, I am hoping this is the year things start changing and these kinds of things are just what I need for inspiration to make things happen.

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