Tuesday 12 April 2016

Spring Daisy Nail Art

Spring has sprung and it is time to get yourself some pretty nails to match. Here is a nice and simple way to create a cute look for yourself. 
In just four easy steps you can also achieve some great art upon your nails too.

Things you will need:

  • Base/top coat
  • Dotting tool
  • Two different colour nail varnishes

  1. Prep your nails. File into your desired shape and length then tackle those cuticles! Not forgetting a base coat too.
  2. Choose your center colour, this could be yellow or orange, however you can think outside of the box and go any colour you wish. Dot in the center or wherever you want.
  3. Now for the petals, again paint whatever colour you want, I just went tradional with white petals to make it super simple. Place five dots around your center dot.
  4. Lock in your art but applying a top coat, but make sure you masterpiece is dry first, you don't want it smudging.
I hope you enjoyed this sort and sweet tutorial post. Let me know if you want to see more just like this and throw some ideas at me whilst you are at it too!



  1. This is really cute! I knew there was a reason I kept a yellow polish!

    Kirstie | Behind The Scent

    1. There is plenty of cool things you can do with the colour yellow! I will have to show you more ideas xx


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