Monday 28 November 2016

Taking some time

It is quite obvious that I haven't been around much again lately. Sometimes you need to take a step back and take some time to yourself.
A lot of things have happened in the past few months and it has been extremely hard on me and my mental health. Everything and been a total rollercoaster but I just have to carry on and get myself through the hardest, darkest times.

I have always said the whole time of my blogging that putting myself first is always the most important and that is exactly what I have been doing. The depression raised it's ugly head again alongside many stresses that come with being a grown up! It did give me some time to reflect and learn from my mistakes, therefore I can grow stronger and beat my mental health issues, one step at a time. Everybody should take some time to recharge their batteries one in a while and really appreciate the little things that can put a smile on your face.

With this post, I didn't want to put too much pressure on myself and I wanted it to be relaxed and ease me back in. So, I found these pictures my boyfriend took a little while back and thought I would get my creative juices flowing again by playing around editing them and not letting them go to waste.
Today I am going to take a day to try squeeze in some blogger tasks, without any pressure. Everything takes time, and I just need to keep myself occupied and ride this all out.
For future posts I would like to do more outfit posts, getting creative with nail art and showing you some of my other creative hobbies, such as painting and photography.

If you have any suggestions on what you would like to see or any nail art ideas please let me know!



  1. You look amazing in the pictures! <3 Everyone needs time out occasionally to recharge, I hope things get better! xxxx

    1. Aww thank you lovely lady :) I am hoping these next few weeks will start to pick up and I will start to feel more me again.

  2. Above all you need to put yourself first :) Hopefully get to see you soon xx

    1. When things start to get better I am sure I will be out and about seeing everyone again.

  3. You look great in these pics Hollie. Make sure you put yourself first, ALWAYS, and remember we all need time out every now and then, just be gentle on yourself!

    1. Aww thank you so much steph, that means a lot to me. We will have to see each other again soon as it has been a long time again. xx

  4. Sending you all the love! Putting yourself first is always a top priority x

    1. It was really needed! We need a catch up, haven't spoken to you in ages again. xx

  5. You beautiful in these picks hollie! Do glad your back! Put yourself first always <3 xx

  6. I'm glad you're working on yourself, I think sometimes people forget that they come first, your pictures are beautiful I'm glad you shared them! As for nail ideas, I would love some ideas for nails for new years? I want sassy but I'm not a super glittery person when it comes to nails! Xxx


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