Wednesday 14 December 2016

Sensationail Product Review

Gel nails are a really big hit with people, and I personally love them too. Sensationail help anybody achieve flawless looking nails at home. Here is my full review on their products.

Within the starter kit, you have everything you need to get a salon look for yourself. Your starter box includes, the LED light, one colour, base/top coat, lint free wipes, primer, a nail file and cleansing polish. The instructions that come with the kit are really easy and straight forward to follow. 
As easy they are and how minimal and simplistic the whole process is I still believe you need some sort of knowledge with using these kinds of products. Anybody can use these products, but if you want a complete flawless finish then you need to have some know-how on what you are actually doing, as there is a lot more creativity and science behind it all. You will need a steady hand, an eye for what you are doing and knowing how to fix any mistakes. It is so easy to mess your nails up simply by runs or going too far over the edge or cuticles, therefore your nails won't look as good and won't last as long.
Saying that, if you have a real interest in this kind of thing then this is a great beginners kit.
It is quite pricey so if you did have some knowledge within nails then you can really make the most out of this and know how to make your products go further.
My other concern about complete beginners using this type of kit is when the instructions tell you to file your natural nail to make it rough, some people may not understand the risks of filing too much and could cause yourself harm. So I would say please research professionals using similar products before hand too, just to make sure you are being careful.

For my personal kit, I now have three colours and a glitter. Some colours need more coats than others, as sometimes the pigment isn't quite 100% but if you know how to work around these issues then they are great. The range of colours Sensationail offer is fantastic as there are just so many to choose from I am sure you will find one that you will love. Also, the fact that they offer glitters too gives a great variety and therefore you have more options to play around with different combinations.

Having gel polish on is extremely good for hard working busy people that don't have time to keep topping up their chipped polish. Depending on the ways you use your hands will depend on how long they will last too, if you have an office job they will last you a little longer than if you are a cleaner or a more hands on person, then they sadly won't last as long. 

Overall I love the finish these products give my nails, with a high gloss finish and a no worries approach about topping them up for a few weeks is also a winner. The fact that they give your nails an almost shield is also a great point as it really helps with the growth of my nails and could help people that bite their nails too.
I love having Sensationail within the rest of my nail kit, as it gives me even more variety. My family and friends also love it when I give them a Sensationail manicure, so this whole kit is a winner for many others too.

You can buy these kits from Sensationail or Boots
These would make a great Christmas gift for yourself or anybody else that is really into having their nails done.


1 comment

  1. I also have this kit, I got it for Christmas a couple of years ago. It's a good one, but I've since got another brand which I preferred using. Kits like these are great for saving money doing gels at home though! :)
    Lianne -


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