Wednesday 4 January 2017


2017 is finally here and we are waving goodbye to another year. Last year wasn't the major for me, however, I did have some experiences that I learned a lot from, this year I hope to carry on learning about myself and improve my quality of life.

Here are a few things I hope to achieve within the next year, all my goals are achievable and I am sure they will all come in good time.
Firstly, in the next few weeks, something very big will be happening for me that will change my life in so many ways, it should boost my confidence and help me get out there more. I have been thinking about maybe vlogging this particular event, but we will have to see how it all goes.
As some may know, I am currently unemployed and have really struggled to hold down a job due to my mental health. I finally made the decision that retail really is not good for me, my health or the routine I need for myself. It did not do me any good mentally working within retail, but this was all I knew how to do, but now I want to try out something new, like an office job. Once I can get myself a job even more opportunities will come my way. 
With having a job, will bring me the money I need to save for a new home. I have lived in my current home for just over a year, it is a lovely little flat but not a long term place at all. We have some issues with neighbours and we would love a quieter area. Of course we would love to have a two bedroom house next, we would love the extra space and room to grow. 

With all the goals I want to achieve within the next year will, of course, bring along so many other wonderful little opportunities. I also hope I can work a little more on my blog, and put out some really awesome posts. 
I am very excited to see what 2017 will bring for me and my boyfriend Josh, I am sure I will be keeping everybody updated via social media and blog posts.



  1. Good luck with your goals and I hope you can find a job which works alongside your health! <3

    Kimberley //

  2. Good luck finding a job! I know the strains of retail first hand, it's TERRIBLE when you have MH issues, I struggle so much not having a routine and nowhere in retail no matter what they promise can ever provide it.

  3. Good luck with your goals lovely, I'm sure you'll smash it <3
    I really hope you can find a job that suits you, it can be frustrating at times. I worked in retail for 7 years and it was awful. Xx

    Iamfoxxtailz | Alternative Style Diary ban


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