Monday 30 January 2017

Deadhead Illustrations

Being a lover of all things on the more gothic side of life and also being a creative person, I am always loving different creepy art. An old friend of mine really ticks all the right artistic boxes for me. Deadhead Illustrations is quirky, deadly, minimal and beautiful.
Here is just a small collection of some of the awesome art work you can find with Deadhead. I have known the creator Holly since we were around six years old, she was always the creative one in school. Holly would make something out of literally anything, I was always so inspired and amazed with Holly's quirky, creative mind. I love seeing her art work grow and turn into something I personally love and would hang up on my walls.

We should all appreciate smaller artists on their artistic journeys and get their name out there to people that would also really enjoy their art work. So, if you have liked any of these illustrations or would like to see more for yourself then please head over and check out Deadhead Illustrations social medias to see many other creations. If you are also interested in owning anything for yourself there is merchandise to buy too!



  1. These are so freakin' cool!! I love the bullseye bitch one!

  2. These are absolutely EPIC! What a cool blog post idea, showing cool artists!


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